Wina's Wise

Wednesday, November 23, 2016 Nas 0 Comments

What does respect sounds like, to you?
Or, how does it even looks like?

You see, words really matter. Whether you’re saying it for yourself or for others to hear. How you sentenced them, to be exact.
Be it a compliment, a complaint, an opinion. The rules to speak them out loud aren’t that hard.
  • Don’t be disrespectful. No matter how furious you were at that moment.
  • Look to who you were talking to. Come on, living in this modern society doesn’t mean you can blatantly talk without even considering their age.
  • Hey, would you look for a split second if the timing is perfect for you to utter those words?
You can’t blame someone for being overly sensitive. It’s in their nature, who knows? You can’t just label them for being closed-minded just because they couldn’t take your jokes. 

Jokes that are off the limits.

Joking is fun. Releasing your stress by throwing jokes is fun. But throwing indecent words while the other side is not in the perfect state to receive those jokes is not fun. In fact, it’s not okay.

I apologize for my behavior that seemed unmindful (if I ever did that)
But if you think you ever did that to someone, lower your ego. Relay your apology to him/her even if you have the jokester temperament. 
Maybe it wasn’t the right time. Maybe he/she had gone through a bad day. Maybe it was their mood-swing-time-that-you-can’t-help-it

From another POV, don’t mix in your personal matter to work.

It’s not close to nice at all for you to throw tantrum/got pissed to someone who’s not involved in any of your mishap. 

You guys will just end up frowning to each other. The we-are-not-talking-phase. Kamon ah umur dah berapa?

Think, & act :)


Just why?

Sunday, November 20, 2016 Nas 0 Comments

Aside from my third finger, here’s another thing for you peasants.

I didn't know I would encounter these kind of people and I hate to say this but those people are the reason I have trust issues nowadays.

For you to mindlessly speak & act,
For you to lead the isolation period of one,
For you to think that you're good enough that you looked down on others,
How low are you trying to go though?

Just because you know something so well,
Just because you’re a pro in what-ever-you-have-been-doing,
Just because you stayed in the field longer than anyone else,
That doesn't mean you can act all mighty & with that snobbish attitude of yours, rot in hell will you?

Unless you’re registered under the bipolar disorder’s patient, I wouldn't have the need to care but since I’ll be working with these bipolar attitudes of my co-workers, it ain't getting any better.
Why can’t human stay to be kind towards each other? Be cooperative instead trying to bring each other’s down? Compliment more rather than letting jealousy take over?
Just why?

Because you’re human, that’s why?
Was I ever like that? Did I ever acted haughty to you guys that the cycle is repeating now?

Isolation is never a small matter. It never was. 
Try experiencing it once. 
You're leaving a deep scar on em. 

For a former introvert to be exposed in this kind of world, I feel you guys out there.

Let’s just stay in our room; cooped with the smell of books & hot chocolate. Don’t forget our plushies as well.

I wish I could speak to anyone over here, but I got no one. 
Irene. Aina. Twinnie. How I wish any of you were there, right in front of me.
Furthermore, my type of language aren't openly accepted over here lol