You, yes you.

Hey, it's you.
A charlatan in 3rd person POV.
Not knowing how to get through, you did everything recklessly.
How could you? How could you continue on faking the smile on your face?
How could you swallow and choke on your tears, struggling to hide everything?
Why would you do that?
Is torturing your own mental is a thing now? Is it okay for you to misuse them even though it is yours, not others?
A laughter erupted from one is not just a mere vibration.
It’s the sound of happiness yet you took advantage of them, turning them into useless music to your eardrums.
Yet in the same time you persuade yourself to appear frenetic in public, grinning from ear to ear when the fact is later at night you’ll bury yourself underneath the blanket, sniffing and sobbing in silence as well as gently doing so to not be notice by any other creatures.
Oh how cruel.
Inside out, sadly; you’re a phony
A pat would be nice
A hug would be even better
But you, my dear; being rock-headed and heart as soft as tissues, rather than being a direct person, you prefer to give maze kind of hints which lead to a deeper complexion and confusion for others to break through your wall. Thus, you failed to express therefore no pat, no hug. No anything for you.
Padan muka.