246km away

Wednesday, August 03, 2016 Nas 0 Comments

Its been three days;

Since I left Selangor.

I was occupied with lots of stuff therefore when night came, I'm too tired to do anything (blogging)
Eventually be falling asleep anywhere anytime

I can't really elaborate when someone ask me how am I adapting things so far
It's just three days, I'm still new around here
Can't even describe my feelings properly

Parting with them, wasn't really that easy
Which of course tears are involved
& I am truly sorry to those yang I couldn't make time to see you guys for the last time. Its just-- I had to work everyday then I need to pack my things in the middle of the night then continue the routine

I gotta admit, I'm exhausted.
Ada rezeki nanti, kita jumpa lagi okay?

Thankyou Abang, Nurin & Fauzie for helping out with everything you guys could do.
I couldn't thank the three of you enough, may God bless you three peeps

Aku tak pindah oversea pun. Masih ada kat Malaysia. 
Make sure kidnap aku when I go to KL again okehh :p

Barneys, TheGreats, AeonBig Workers, Trila, La Familia, Cj's, Twinnieeee, Btho's, etc;
I'm going to miss you guys a lot.
Thank you for everything.
For all the memories I collected these past few years knowing each & one of you has been an incredible lesson for my life

See you when I see you!